Domaine SRQ2 is for sale
Site no longer used for intended purpose - Updated 8/24/24
It was amazing how many people were susceptible to being submissive during COVID.

Downtown Sarasota from Ringling Causeway Bridge (opened Aug 2003). Looks pretty but, it ain't like it used to be.

SRQ is Sarasota's Airport code for folks in the know. This is SRQ2.

Since this URL is unique - having an easy to remember, rhyming - four digets, it's available for sale. It should be very useful for some Sarasota business.

Think of it as, 'SRQ also' or 'SRQ too' and 2 rhymes with Q. Or think of an acronym such as, Self Regulating Quack, or if you are French, Solidarité Rurale du Québec.

In the meantime, if you have escaped a progressive Blue State and have immigrated to Florida especially Sarasota, PLEASE, Please, DONT VOTE BLUE, dont ruin it here. Those that try to turn Florida into what they've vacated, will always have our contempt, and will be in our sights.

Now here is some interesting, captivating and fun stuff
lifted from my other web sites.